With school back in session and the holidays quickly
approaching, it can be very difficult to find that “one on one” time with your
children.  Research studies have shown
that it is not the amount of time spent with your children, but the quality of
time that matters.  Spending time with
your children does not always have to include going out for activities.  Quality time can easily be enjoyed at
home.  If you commit to at least 10-15
minutes per day with your child you can create sweet memories and experience
many other benefits.  These benefits
could include enhancing your child’s social/emotional well being, developing
fine motor or gross motor skills and best of all building a special bond between
you and your child.  


This list of easy steps can help you start today! 

  1. Set
    aside 10-15 minutes everyday regardless of your child’s behaviors that
    day.  Build this time into your
  2. Never
    threaten to take the time away as punishment.
  3. Be
    consistent.  Stick to the 10-15
    scheduled time.
  4. Do
    activities that require interaction with your child, not passive
    activities such as TV or computer.
  5. Two-three
    minutes before the activity is to end, give a signal (such as a timer
    going off) to let them know their time is almost up and to help with

Using this time will not only help create a special bond
between you and your child, it will also let them know that you are
available.  Your presence is important
and will help give them a sense of security that they need at a young age.


Here are 10 fun activities that you can do at

  1. Play
    with blocks or Legos.  This is great
    for fine motor skills.  Build
    something simple and let them copy your design.
  2. Make homemade
    play dough and keep it in the fridge to use for sensory input.
  3. Go to
    the backyard and search for fall leaves. 
    Take the leaves, put them under construction paper and color over
    the leaf.  The impression of the
    leaf will be seen on the paper. 
    This is a great fall project and perfect to display on the fridge!
  4. Color
    together.  Keep any broken crayon
    pieces.  Grasping the small pieces
    is another way for your child to develop fine motor skills. 
  5. Chalk
    on the driveway or patio.  Start
    with simple strokes – vertical, horizontal and circular.
  6. Shaving
    cream makes bath time fun!
  7. Read a
    book together.
  8. Play
    with a ball.  To make it more
    challenging change the size of the ball. 
    Have them throw at a target like a colored picture or a picture of
    an action hero you print from the computer.


Now it’s time to create some special memories.  Have fun! 
I promise you won’t regret it, and neither will your child!

Christina Clayton, COTA/L
Clinic Therapist